Tag: blogging
A National Disgrace That We’ve All Grown Used To
Lotteries have become deeply embedded in our national life and their corrosive effects seem to go unquestioned these days. But my view is that they are an evil influence and should be scrapped
Our communication may not be as good as we think
The technology for communication has improved beyond all recognition in recent years But our capacity for misunderstanding and talking past one another remains.
Chatting with AI
Can an AI ‘chatbot’ say anything worth saying? It’s obviously early days, but the possibilities are intriguing.
When “social media” was new
I’ve re-discovered items in my blog archive for Jan 2008 that remind me how bewildering social media was when it first appeared. I’d be interested in hearing any recollections of social media from that time.
If I could turn back time
I was a blogger for a long time. You could say that I was blogging before I knew what blogging was. In the last couple of years of the 1990s I had acquired a bit of webspace and was handcoding an HTML page with updates perhaps 2 or 3 times a week, sharing random thoughts…