I’m under no illusions about either my ability as a photographer or the extent to which other people are likely to be interested in my pictures. It’s a pastime I pursue largely for myself. However, I’ve come to the conviction that photographs should be shared with others and that in this digital age there is something to be said for printing photographs on paper. Furthermore, most photographs do not ‘stand alone’ — they need other photographs to give them context and meaning. Like people, photographs need one another. (Maybe there’s a sermon there!)
Over the last few years I’ve made a few “zines” of my pictures and shared or sold them mostly through Twitter. Now that I’ve got this website up and running, it seemed like a shame not to share them here, too.

“untitled” came out of a series of workshops I took part in Shrewsbury called “The Expressive Camera. Led by Matthew Whiteman and Will Temple, the sessions were a really fun exploration of photography as a narrative tool.
A5, 20 pages, black & white
£4 to the UK, £7 rest of the world

“has anybody seen my mojo” was made in an attempt to get myself out of the creative rut I was feeling at the time.
A5, 20 pages, colour and black & white

This was part of a bigger project, a zine exchange organised through a photography forum. It was originally intended as a supplement to a tabloid newsprint zine.
A5, 8 pages, colour and black & white
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