Richard Hall Online

A Methodist Minister Blogging like it’s 2006

Tag: ShootFilmBeNice

  • A “new” camera

    A “new” camera

    I’ve had a “significant” birthday this week — one that ends with a “0”! — and to mark the occasion my wife treated me to an especially fine present, a beautifully refurbished Rollei 35SE from filmfurbish. These little cameras really are masterpieces of design and engineering, among the smallest 35mm cameras that have ever been…

  • Photo Print Day

    Photo Print Day

    #PhotoPrintDay is an initiative started last year by @smalltowninertia to use photography to do a bit of good in the world. There we two last year, and the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have prompted another, to be held on 18/19 February. You don’t have to be “A Photographer” to take part – any sort…

  • Did I mention that I have made a new zine?

    Did I mention that I have made a new zine?

    My latest zine was delivered today! If you’d like a copy, I’d be happy to oblige. £5 in the UK, £8 elsewhere. PayPal suits me, but contact me if that doesn’t work for you. #BelieveInFilm #ShootFilmBeNice #Photography #Shrewsbury #zines

  • Photo Presentation

    Photo Presentation

    I don’t have time to write anything tonight, but I would like to share the presentation I made to the photography group I’ve been part of. Partly because I’m pleased with the actual photos, and also because I’m feeling smug because I succeeded in getting it going from github. Take a look