Richard Hall Online

A Methodist Minister Blogging like it’s 2006

Category: Interweb stuff

  • Chatting with AI

    Chatting with AI

    Can an AI ‘chatbot’ say anything worth saying? It’s obviously early days, but the possibilities are intriguing.

  • Getting to grips with WordPress

    Getting to grips with WordPress

    A few weeks since I came back to WordPress and I’m beginning to feel at home again

  • Group chat?

    The zine project needs some sort of group chat – I think I’ll come unstuck if I try to manage communication by email. But which tool to use? (I’ve ruled out Facebook). It needs to be easy to use, and preferably doesn’t need users to sign up to anything. Any ideas?

  • “A world of composable distributed apps”

    The benefits of the Fediverse, and why there’s more to the Fediverse than Mastodon

  • When “social media” was new

    I’ve re-discovered items in my blog archive for Jan 2008 that remind me how bewildering social media was when it first appeared. I’d be interested in hearing any recollections of social media from that time.

  • One more test

    If you read this on Mastodon, will you do me a favour and make a reply from there, please?

  • Another Test

    I’ve tweaked the settings on the ActivityPub plug-in that connects this blog to the Fediverse, so this post is a test to see whether or not I have broken it. But it does give me the opportunity to say that you can follow the blog directly in Mastodon if you’d like to: should do…

  • Another step into the Fediverse

    I’ve added a plug-in which I’m told makes this blog part of the Fediverse, followable from Mastodon. I wonder if it works? This is a test post. Nothing to see here.

  • Thoughts on Mastodon

    Good stuff from Seth’s blog It’s inconvenient. You can’t get started in ten seconds. This leads to less initial stickiness. It means that the people who get through the learning curve are more likely to be committed and perhaps generous. In the early days of email, of Compuserve, of AOL, of the web, of just…