Richard Hall Online

A Methodist Minister Blogging like it’s 2006

  • Easter Sunday: Hymn of the day

    Easter Sunday: Hymn of the day

    A hymn by Charles Wesley

  • Why fear the dark?

    Why fear the dark?

    I’m not much of a lad for poetry and stuff, but this little poem by Dom Helder Camara struck a chord.

  • Holy Saturday: The Gospel according to Monty Python

    Holy Saturday: The Gospel according to Monty Python

    In which I see a link between Monty Python’s “dead parrot” sketch and Holy Saturday. (That’s today: Easter Saturday is next week)

  • Good Friday: the scandal and victory of The Cross

    Good Friday: the scandal and victory of The Cross

    The Cross is a scandal. We recoil from the horror of it, the shame and humiliation of it. We want the shout of victory, and hear instead the cry of desolation, “My God, My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?” It would be more bearable if the Cross were a result of the actions of…

  • The Liturgy of Embarrassment: A Homily for Maundy Thursday

    The Liturgy of Embarrassment: A Homily for Maundy Thursday

    Kim Fabricius: ” when Jesus washes his followers’ feet, he is not just giving an illustration of humility. Peter and the others could have lived with that. No, here is a sign and anticipation of that ultimate subversion of all human power and authority which will take place the next day when Jesus is crucified…

  • Holy Week: Maundy Thursday — In the Garden

    Holy Week: Maundy Thursday — In the Garden

    A meditation I wrote some years ago… It is a beautiful place, this garden. A place of peace and plenty. We have been here many times, finding cool shade from the sun and solitude from the crowds. Even at night, this place among the olive trees offers a sense of security, a velvet shelter that…

  • Holy Week – Wednesday: The Widow’s Mite

    Holy Week – Wednesday: The Widow’s Mite

    The widow of this story has generally been held up as a model of sacrificial, costly faith. But is that the best interpretation of this event?

  • New Forest, new camera

    New Forest, new camera

    I’ve developed my first roll through the Rollei 35SE that I got for my birthday. I’m not surprised that they’re not the greatest pictures ever, but it was a pleasure to use and I’m looking forward to getting to know it properly.

  • Holy Week: Tuesday

    Holy Week: Tuesday

    Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance…

Most Recent Comments

  1. Hi Bob. I’m deliberately avoiding controversy here – I need less stress in my life these days! Patience is part…

  2. Hi Richard, Have just found this blog. Much gentler than the one you used to have where you were regularly…



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